Upcoming Events We Are Attending

This article provides a list of upcoming events that AdEx will be attending. Join us at these events to learn more about our vision and engage with our team.

Upcoming Events We Are Attending

The next couple of months will be busy for AdEx. Here is where you can find our team.

We’ve got a couple of busy months planned ahead of us — the AdEx team will be attending a number of Ethereum and blockchain related events. If you are planning to show up at any of these — make sure to find us and say hello, we would be thrilled to hear from you!


September 6–9, 2018, Berlin, Germany


Next week we’re heading to the German capital for ETHBerlin — a hackathon that we are proudly sponsoring. At the event, you will have a chance to meet people from our marketing & communications team, as well as some of our developers who will participate as hackers and mentors. We are very excited for the event not just because we’re always eager to mingle with the Ethereum community but also because ETHBerlin’s twitter is the bomb and we have very high expectations, both hacking- and meme-wise.


October 5–7, 2018, San Francisco, California

ETH San Francisco

At the beginning of October, you’ll be able to find us marvelling the sea lions at Pier 39 in San Francisco, but also at the ETHSanFrancisco hackathon, which — we’re promised — is the biggest one when it comes to Ethereum. We plan to count each and every attendant by hand to verify this information. While we’re at it, we might as well try and count the sea lions as well. We’re not sure.

Seriously, though — the the speakers & judges lineup is sick. Check it out.

Also, we can sense you’re wondering what’s the deal with these sea lions so here’s a gif that maybe clears things up: they are majestic.

Blockchain Summit LATAM

October 17–19, 2019, Bogotà, Colombia

Blockchain Summit LATAM in Columbia 2019

A face-to-face with our Latin American fans has been long overdue so when we found out about Blockchain Summit LATAM, we didn’t think twice and started getting mandatory shots to strengthen our weak European bodies and be ready for Bogotà. We will try to meet as many people possible at this event but if we suddenly disappear from the conference floor, it’s likely we scadaddled to catch an over-touristy Pablo Escobar tour. Don’t blame us for being fans of “Narcos”!


October 30 — November 2, Prague, Czech Republic


Devcon is THE event of the year for the Ethereum community and getting a ticket is like finding the holy grail. We don’t mean to tease but we got our greedy hands on more than one ticket. That’s how successful we are.

And guess what: the Devcon4 mascot is a unicorn and the AdEx mascot is a unicorn. Do you think that’s a coincidence? It most certainly isn’t! We’ll bring some unicorn stickers with us, and we’ve heard these are some of the best stickers one could acquire through one’s life. Come get some if you’re attending!

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